Bath Safety
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Empowering Independence, American-Made

At Bemis, we believe independence matters. That's why we're proud to craft our line of Independence toilet seats right here in America, with quality and features designed to empower you. We understand the challenges some may face in the bathroom, and our seats are designed to help you regain control and confidence. Imagine effortlessly sitting and standing with the help of our raised heights, feeling secure with our never-loosening attachments, and experiencing enhanced hygiene with our innovative Clean·Shield protection. It's not just a toilet seat, it's a symbol of your self-reliance, crafted with American quality and care. It's not just a seat, it's a step towards greater self-reliance and a more dignified bathroom experience.

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Our dedication to innovation shapes every product we make for you. 

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Customer Service & Support

Phone: 888.722.6488
Hours: 8AM - 5PM CST, Monday - Friday